"The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting. It has been found difficult, and left untried." - G. K. Chesterton

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Listen to the little voice

I have to apologize to the blog community for my month-long lapse in posting. I thought about a lot of things, but it didn't materialize into anything I could write. But now I have some little reflections and stories to share.

I want to share a little occurance that happened after yoga. It has to do with listening to the voice of God.

I talk to so many people who tell me they are not sure how to tell when they are hearing God's voice or if it's their own voice. I hate to demystify things, but I really believe that most of the time God's voice sounds pretty much just like your own. I think if you are wanting to hear God, trying to live obediently, and seeking spiritual direction through prayer and doing things such as reading the Bible, chances are you really are hearing God. You just don't think you do.

This is because many times God speaks in little ways. Ways you could easily miss if you aren't paying attention. And also most people quickly disqualify themselves from hearing God. I mean, doesn't God only speak to special people? Why would he waste His time telling me things unless there's a real problem or a serious prayer request?

Even though there are many sermons about what God had to say in Biblical times, I find that there is very little practical guidance in church about how God speaks- TODAY. I mean, in that statement is the assumption that God actually does speak to people today. I guess that could get me in trouble in a lot of churches. And then there is also the assumption that God speaks to other people than ordained clergy.

But yes, God DOES speak to EVERYONE today. I even assert that God is speaking to people who don't go to church, or even believe in Jesus for that matter. Sometimes I think these people just don't recognize God when He is trying to get their attention.

I think God speaks in many ways we take for granted. I think mainly this is in the form of spontaneous thoughts or impressions that do not originate from your own ordinary course of thinking. Like most of us tend to think about what we need to buy at the store, what we have to do to prepare for the meeting at work, etc. In short- things that concern US. So if a spontaneous thought pops in your head, "I wonder how that guy from law school is doing- the one I haven't talked to in 2 years? I wonder how his wife is doing. Weren't they going to have a baby?"

Now to me, that is a notion that God wants me to check in on that guy and ask how his family is doing. You would not believe how this happens and lo and behold when I talk to the person that randomly comes to mind, something indeed is going on. Then I ask if I can pray or provide some encouragement.

Now why do people ignore these thoughts? I think it is because we fear looking stupid. What if I call the friend from law school and nothing appears to be going on? Then don't I look stupid for reaching out? No, you just seem like a nice person. Most of the time we have to take small risks to venture out in what we feel like we may be hearing from God.

I had a test in this after a yoga class last week. I left the studio and was passing a health food store that sells smoothies. On a very rare occasion I buy a fruit drink because they are expensive. After that class I heard a small voice that said, "Go in there and get a fruit drink." I was like, "Uh, voice, that will cost like $5. That is expensive. I don't think I need a $5 fruit drink today." But I made the decision to listen to the voice and get a drink.

Well a few minutes later 2 people from my yoga class walked in. I have very limited opportunities to talk to people in yoga. I mainly see them before or after class and I don't get to now them very well. But I am always praying for everyone in the class. When they "Ohm" I say "Jesus." haha. I think that Ganesh and the other gods in the front of the class need more of the presence of Jesus in their studio! haha.

Anyway, so the teacher and another man invited me to drink our health drinks with them at a table outside. Then another woman from class came up and they invited her to sit with us. I had just listened to a Bethel teaching that day about spiritual intelligence. One of the points of the teaching was that we should glean from the people we are around. That God has given every person a sphere of influence and favor and if we learn from them we will be enriched in our own lives. So I proposed this idea to my new yoga friends. It turned out one man was a developer. He was a renaissance man who had studied philosophy. I found out the yoga teacher also did real estate.

There was no real talk of religion, but I felt like there was an exchange of real goodwill. Now I have a bit of a relationship with these people from class. And it's all because of a $5 fruit drink!

Here are a few helpful criteria for how to discern what the voice of God sounds like:
1) God is never going to contradict His word. So if what you are hearing is in line with Scripture, it could be God.

2) What is the quality of the voice/impression? God is also never going to contradict His character. The book of 1 John says that God is love. God is a (good) Father. He is a Shepherd. Jesus says that he speaks to his sheep and they will know his voice. The sheep won't follow the voice of another. (John 10) So there is an expectation from Christ that we all can and WILL hear his voice.

Many people hear condemning voices/thoughts like "You shouldn't have said that. That was stupid. Why are you always messing up?" and think this is God. Well God is NEVER going to speak in a tone of condemnation. Romans 8 says there is NO condemnation for those who are in Christ. Even when God convicts of sin He does not do it in a way that brings guilt or shame. God desires for us to repent, not feel like miserable people.

Most of the wrong voices we attribute to God come from our faulty views of God. It is hard for many of us to know God as a loving Father. We hear the voices of insecurity, guilt, shame, and think God is displeased with us. I am here to tell you that God deeply desires for you to know His LOVE and APPROVAL of you. So if you feel ashamed or condemned, ask someone to pray with you for you to see yourself rightly- and for you to see God rightly too.

3) Sometimes God uses pictures, impressions, or even song lyrics to show us something. Have you ever experienced the lyrics of a song speaking to you or have you woken up with random lyrics in your head? Pray about whether or not there is something God is trying to get across.

This is a process of discernment that takes time. It takes a willingness to risk. But it is well worth it! Think of the opportunities for prayer, to encourage a struggling friend, or to build relationships if we will only venture to listen to the internal nudges!

Saturday, August 6, 2011


I saw this on Facebook, but I already like my post, so I'm putting it here...

For all you ladies who are in a hurry to get married, here's Biblical advice: Ruth patiently waited for her mate Boaz. While waiting on YOUR Boaz, don't settle for ANY of his relatives: Brokeaz, Poaz, Lyinaz, Cheatinaz, Dumbaz, Cheapaz, Lockedupaz , Goodfornothinaz, Lazyaz or Marriedaz. ..and especially his third cousin Beatinyoaz . Please wait on your Boaz & make sure he respects Yoaz!