I was talking to a friend and he was quite discouraged about his situation. He had a major relational disappointment and I was trying to console him. At the end of our conversation he started talking about his job situation and then he said that because of his lack of education he felt he had "not accomplished anything" and had "not done anything in life."
I am thinking, "At least he has a job... I am rarely even employed!"
And I realize that I think the EXACT SAME THINGS about myself, yet here I am extremely educated. I am educated, but not employed- he is employed and not educated- but the common denominator is that we both believe the same things about ourselves.
So that's when satan was busted. He has been caught telling the SAME lie to us both.
There was one other lie I had also believed verbatim, but I can't remember what it was now.
My conclusion is that satan is consistent in his accusations against us. Let's learn from this that he tells us ALL that we have not accomplished anything regardless of what our accomplishments actually are. Whatever you have done, it will not feel like enough if satan has anything to do with it!
I am writing this to expose his strategy, so don't let him get away with it in your life! Believe the truth that if you are following Jesus you are accomplishing what HE wants you to accomplish regardless of what it is. If you are a mom, feel accomplished in taking care of your kids. If you have a job, feel the assurance that is where you are supposed to have influence right now. If you are in school- study with passion for God. And whatever you do- don't look to the WORLD to define your sense of accomplishment because that will guarantee that you feel like you don't measure up.
And for good measure I will add that none of us think we have accomplished as much as we should for our age or our station in life. No, you're not alone. Either you should be married by now, or have kids by now, or be farther in your career, or have a newer car- blah, blah, blah.
Just accept yourself for who you are. You're doing a good job. You probably try your best. So rest in God's love and acceptance for yourself- and PLEASE don't look around and compare yourself to others. God doesn't. He loves you right where you are for WHO you are.