"The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting. It has been found difficult, and left untried." - G. K. Chesterton

Friday, January 28, 2011

Enlisting Soldiers for the Army of the Disillusioned and Disenfranchised

I read something in the book "Tribes" by Seth Godin that really inspired me:
"Heretics are the new leaders. The ones who challenge the status quo, who get in front of their tribes, who create movements."

I started thinking about who the church has historically called heretical people- people, for the most part, ahead of their time. They were people that made the others uncomfortable. They shook things up. Rattled the sense of what was appropriate and acceptable.

This got me thinking about how hard it is for me to seem to fit in church. And then it occurred to me... "Why do I need to fit in?" What prize is it to get the approval of church people? What if I am not made to fit in? What if I am created to venture out in front, to start new things- new movements?

Isn't that what the early church did? Do you remember what they were called before they got labeled "Christian" at Antioch? They were followers of The Way.

Let's take a survey of what the followers of The Way were known for:
- "there arose a great disturbance about the Way" (Acts 19:23)
- "the whole city was in an uproar" (vs 29)
- the crowd was so incensed they seized Paul's traveling companions and when Paul wanted to appear before the screaming, violent, mob the officials of the province and the disciples wouldn't let him (vs 29-30)
- Paul was labeled as a "troublemaker" for "stirring up riots among the Jews all over the world" as the leader of the "Nazarine sect." (Acts 24:5-6)

Who were the people who were so riled up about The Way? The religious folks. Yes, the people who liked the financial security from making money off of Artemis in Ephesus and the religious Jews in leadership over at the temple. These people did not like those who rustled their way of doing things and threatened their positions of wealth and power. So what if the rabble-rousers had the truth!

I was also thinking about this in terms of other influential rejects in the Bible. David's Mighty Men are a prime example. These 37 men were brave beyond all others, killing hundreds, breaking through an entire military line just to get some water for their captain from his beloved homeland well. These were the men that joined David out in the wilderness when he was in disfavor with the establishment under Saul. These were the disenfranchised- those who were "distressed, in debt, or discontented." (1 Samuel 22:2)

These were the heroes. The ones with massive student loan and credit card debt, the ones who couldn't find jobs or hated their job. The ones who had serious issues. These guys accomplished great feats of bravery beyond anyone's ability to fathom from such losers and outcasts!

So I'm thinking about all those people out there who don't feel like they are acceptable to church. I've decided that I'm going to start recruiting a mighty army of the disillusioned and disenfranchised.
  • Those of you who struggle with your sexuality and the church despises you for it. I want you!
  • Those of you who wrestle with the validity of the Bible. Bring your questions and sign up!
  • To the strong women with leadership gifts the church won't allow you to use. Lead here!
  • To those debtors who haven't figured out a budget through Dave Ramsey's financial freedom class and those who can't find a satisfying job- or even a job at all. Work for me!
  • To those battling depression and those who can admit your life is a mess. You're welcome!
If you've ever felt like you didn't fit in church, or you wrestled with your faith, or felt bad that everyone else had their life together except for you, you finally have a place! If you were too dicey for church or the establishment- there's good news! You don't need to get ordained to make a difference. You don't have to fix your life to start making a difference.

I'm starting a movement of people like us. I'm going to show the establishment that God can and WILL use you- just the way you are. You don't have to fix your doubt or change your personality. Come as you are. Jesus wants you to live in victory and start a revolution! Let's do what the church was originally intended to do- shake things up!

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